Surgery exams are finally over ! well...this happened a week ago but i was too lazy to write about then , i was just enjoying some good old lay-back-and-do-nothing kinda time which was exactly what i needed after 25 days filled with surgery written , oral and clinical surgery tests and about a month and half before them getting ready for the tests , not getting enough sleep hours , having an increased heart rate and palpitations , pumping caffeine into my system, living in stress and depression.
The next day after i finished exams i went to the Nokia XpressMusic Festival which was freakin' awesome ,it was at the same place as the SOS festivals but they had there like 4 stages at the same time and each stage was dedicated to a different kinda of music like rock , oriental and they had these awesome DJs which was a first cause they don't get usually get them in the SOS festival , plus the bands were able to play covers of famous songs which was really great , i was singing my lungs out which is another thing can't be done in the SOS because it's all about band's original music , also the stepped pyramid with large screens was really cool ,they had these people painted in gold and silver and posing as greek statues , i 've always liked these stuff , it kinda reminds me or street performers in Europe .Now just imagine having this kind of fun just the day after i was examining a Varicocele patient , i was flippin' out !
Now I'm entering the dark realms of OBGYN , which is obviously a lot harder that i thought , i 've my written test in 23 days and i hope I'll be ready by then, hopefully it will be the last obstacle in may and i 'll be done with med. school so i can relax for sometime cause after all the caffeine , stress , coffee and stuff i 'll probably spend a fortune on antacids and ulcer medication.....may be i should invest in a new stomach :D
I 've just found out my dad is wearing the same PJ's im wearing ,it kinda looks like we are in a father/son competion or race at a fair or somethin'.... talk about disturbing images....
Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste I've been around for a long, long year Stole many a man's soul and faith
And I was 'round when Jesus Christ Had his moment of doubt and pain Made damn sure that Pilate Washed his hands and sealed his fate
Pleased to meet you Hope you guess my name But what's puzzling you Is the nature of my game
I stuck around at St. Petersburg When I saw it was a-time for a change Killed the czar and his ministers Anastasia screamed in vain
I rode a tank Held a general's rank When the blitzkrieg raged And the bodies stank
Pleased to meet you Hope you guess my name, oh yeah Ah, what's puzzling you Is the nature of my game, ah yeah
(whoo whoo, whoo whoo) I watched with glee While your kings and queens (whoo whoo) Fought for ten decades (whoo whoo) For the gods they made (whoo whoo)
I shouted out, (whoo whoo) "Who killed the Kennedys?" (whoo whoo) When after all (whoo whoo) It was you and me (whoo whoo)
Let me please introduce myself (whoo whoo) I'm a man of wealth and taste (whoo whoo) And I laid traps for troubadours (whoo whoo) Who get killed before they reached Bombay (whoo whoo, whoo whoo)
Pleased to meet you (whoo whoo) Hope you guessed my name, (whoo whoo) oh yeah (whoo whoo) But what's puzzling you (whoo whoo) Is the nature of my game(whoo whoo), oh yeah, get down, baby (whoo whoo) (whoo whoo, whoo whoo) (whoo whoo) (whoo whoo) (whoo whoo) ..........
Pleased to meet you (whoo whoo) Hope you guessed my name, (whoo whoo) oh yeah (whoo whoo) But what's confusing you (whoo whoo) Is just the nature of my game (whoo whoo) um yeah (whoo whoo)
Just as every cop is a criminal (whoo whoo) And all the sinners saints (whoo whoo) As heads is tails (whoo whoo) Just call me Lucifer (whoo whoo) 'Cause I'm in need of some restraint (whoo whoo)
So if you meet me (whoo whoo) Have some courtesy (whoo whoo) Have some sympathy, (whoo whoo) and some taste (whoo whoo) Use all your well-learned politesse (whoo whoo) Or I'll lay your(whoo whoo) soul to waste,(whoo whoo), um yeah (whoo whoo)
Pleased to meet you (whoo whoo) Hope you guessed my name, (whoo whoo) um yeah (whoo, whoo) But what's puzzling you (whoo whoo) Is the nature of my game, (whoo whoo) um mean it, (whoo whoo) get down (whoo whoo) (whoo whoo) (whoo whoo) (whoo whoo)
Woo, who (whoo whoo) Oh yeah, get on down (whoo whoo) Oh yeah (whoo whoo) (whoo whoo, whoo whoo) (whoo whoo, whoo whoo)........
Brighten up! Add some colour to your wardrobe-- and be sure to remove anything morbid! Take away wrist bands, spiked belts, and slip-on Vans.
Step 2:
Put down the razor! (if you're THAT kind of emo)
Step 3:
Let's talk about the hair. Push it out of your face -- that means cutting your bangs if necessary. Dye over your coon tails and take out those old black extensions with the dutty old glue. There are plenty of other hairstyles out there, look around for new inspiration!
Step 4:
We all know the stereotype of emos being camera whores; if you're a camera whore emo, it's time to let that go! All pictures taken from above you with the hair covering one eye HAVE to be removed. Take all "emo" pics off your facebook/myspace.
Step 5:
Lose the skinny jeans. Their definetly too far gone for a recovering emo. But, if you simply can't part with them, loosen them just a little. It's WAY to hard to run from emo haters in tight ass pants. I'm a girl, I know.
Step 6:
If your Ipod is filled to the rim with emo music, it's definetly time to let those go. A few songs here and there for when you're having a bad day is normal, but hearing why you hate the world and yourself in every song is going to severly slow the process!
Step 7:
Remove all "i'm emo and proud" facebook groups. We all know you're emo and proud, there's a lot of groups dedicated to it! Take them all away as if a way of finalizing your liberation from emo.
Step 8:
Au naturel is the way to go for non-emos! Take off the eyeliner, guys! And ladies, just lessen it. A small black line along the top and bottom lashes is all you need!
Step 9:
Don't just talk to the kids with the eyebrow peircings and black hoodies. Look around! There's a wide variety of people and styles out there, and their all just as friendly and inviting as emo kids. Don't ditch your emo friends (cuz that would be a tad too "Avril Lavigne Sk8er Boy" to be taken seriously), just incorporate different styles into your circle of friends!
Step 10:
Smile! Now that we all know that you're not emo, it's time to take a nicer view on the world, and there's no better way to show it then a smile!
Congratulations! You have now followed these steps, and you are no longer emo. Venture out into the sunshine and pick some daisies, listen to some cheerful music, or just go and sit quietly while you think about the changes you've made! Feel proud, non-emo. Feel proud :)
it's official , i am Mr. Jinx , i provide bad luck to my fav. teams , other than Egypt's national team win in Ghana 2008 , No team i support or root for won anything this year , actually they lost all the championships they can afford to lose.
Starting with AC Milan , they had a bad start this season ranking deep down in Serie A and fighting all way to reach the 4Th seat so that they can participate in the champions league , they ended 1 point or somethin' behind Fiorentina as no. 5 and not playing in the next champions league, and to make it worse they sucked at the last champions league leaving early after losing the home and away games to Arsenal.
Shifting to Chelsea FC they didn't have a good start this season but somehow they kept goin' and pulled it through to the 2nd position in the Premier league , and losing it to Manchester united by a few points in the last two games in the season, then in the champions league they made to the final game against Manchester united and were able to get a tie and played extra-time without both teams scoring leading to penalties where Cristiano Ronaldo missed and John Terry had the last penalty shot , it was the one which gonna get them the trophy , only he slipped kickin' the ball cause of the rain , and missed , leading to more penalties where Annelka missed and Man Utd got the trophy cause Terry slipped , pretty unlucky.
Ending with the Italian national team , they had a really bad start losing 3-0 to Netherlands , then their tie with Romania which a 100% legal goal scored by Luca Toni was ruled out by the referee as an offside, and beating France after to lose by penalties against Spain on their next match after a 120 minutes match leading to their sorta early departure .So may be i shouldn't be a football fan after all...
Arriving to the hall where my today's OBGYN round was , i saw on the door one of these posters about boycotting American and Israeli products and their equivalent in Egyptian products , i started going through the list , everything was normal until i got to the toys and action figures section , i found the word Pokemon knowing the fact that Pokemon were Japanese , i was surprised and that's wasn't the weird part , it was what's written next to the word Pokemon as u see in the pic "Pokemon : and it means I'm Jewish" ...seriously, WTF !!!!
Pokemon was a Japanese anime started many years ago about fictional monsters and players/trainers hunting down these monsters and capturing them into Poke balls so they can recall them later and use them in fights , The name Pokémon is the romanized contraction of the Japanese brand, "Pocket Monsters" (ポケットモンスター, PokettoMonsutā) as such contractions are very common in Japan , so how in God's green earth the words Pocket Monsters mean the phrase "I'm Jewish" !!!
A little bit insomniac as usual i decided to write some stuff down here , i wasn't gonna write anything here till i get my dead PC fixed , but since it's taking ages to get all the parts i need i decided to yap a little.
A lot happened since my last post and i 'm not counting The Oscars post, i had my 5Th year final exams , i spent the summer studying and in tests and you can see the amount of books and notes ( that's only the internal medicine stuff, Pediatrics not included), luckily i made it to my 6Th year (who would have imagined !) , naturally there was no vacation between the two years but who am i to complain , after all it's the colg's policy , and we just do what we are told. this year is good so far but it's not gonna be all peachy , i have a test next Sunday and i haven't start studying yet. Anyhow i 'll manage.
Also Egypt won the African Cup Of Nations again this year, that was actually refreshing being disappointed in many aspects of life it was a nice change, the team was really good , beating many strong African teams with good scores , EL Hadary shined and really prevented many skillful players from scoring in his goal and helped a lot in bringing the cup home then suddenly he decided to escape , so naturally he became the public enemy no. 1 , i really think the whole subject was overrated, some people wrote wanted to strip him off his Egyptian nationality , seriously What the hell !
Hmmm...what else ?... yeah i had this dream a week ago or something , i was in the street chased by a bunch of wild cats that was going to kill me (stupid , huh ! ) and in the dream i actually didn't want to run away away , i was too lazy to do so , Usually when people hear the words (lazy,laziness,slack and couch potato ) automatically they think of me , i come to their minds , but to be this lazy even in a dream , this is new even for me. but a man gotta do what he needs to protect his reputation , he he...
Yeah another thing , there's supposed to be a strike on April 6Th , people simply have to stay home and don't go out to their jobs,schools and universities , i actually love the idea , i just hope they will be able to carry the whole thing out.
By the way , Is it just me or the movie " No Country For Old Men " is overrated ?!!!