Sunday, January 7, 2007

Dalida.... thank you !

I just woke up, I 'm having breakfast which i don't normally do . Am enjoying the experience of waking up early before I start my busy schedule.usually i wake up late,rush myself through everything i have to do before going out,having no breakfast just a cup of nescafe to function in a proper way.It's nice taking my time enjoying the morning as a change .

Am listening to Dalida's song "Ahsan Nas" which i think is the perfect song to start your day, am not into Arabic music but the song really puts a smile on my face , an actual smile not a figure of speech. i used to love this song then i totally forgot about it , 1 month ago i took a cab , the guy's radio was playing the song, the frown on my face changed into smile and i was this close from singing and dancing in the cab loool , when i got home i searched for the song and i got it.Now whenever am having a bad day day I just listen to it and it works like magic , It's like a legacy they should put it in the same category as the pyramids and sphinx. Yeah .... By the way thank you guys from the MobiNil ad. for ruining the song for me, I won't find it strange if Dalida's ghost haunts you for the rest of your lives . You Deserve it !

yeah I almost forgot Merry Xmas for Egyptian christians !


Anonymous said...

But I love the mobinil add:$

spellz said...

Dude... u rock
I adore Dalida, I was happy when I heard that they remade her song, but when i heard it
What can I say Dalida is a way better...
I wish she lived longer her voice was gr8

Burned said...

WHAT MORE CAN I SAY??....WHO AM I TO SAY ANYTHING!!....SHE'S THE QUEEN...dude....sry i tried to load the Pic's but i failed.... :S...i duno what the hell to write in this window....LoL....u just said all the words on my mind...and left with speachless.....