Monday, November 12, 2007

Poseidon R.I.P.

Ever since i was a little kid i wanted to get a pet , but my parents weren't actually the having pets kinda people , they kept talkin' about how it is a huge responsibility and it needs time and effort and so , and they are already spending theirs on me and my brother , so i just forgot about the whole thing.But 6 months ago , a friend of mine got a pet turtle , it was tiny ,green and cute , and it's easy to feed and take care of so i thought why not , and that was how i got Poseidon.

I kept him in small plastic tank containing water , and used to feed .My mom kinda freaked out when she saw it first , then eventually she started to love him , she was the one who feed him , changes the water for him and so , and surprisingly my dad and grandfather did too.

But as we all know good things must come to and end , i found him dead in his tank yesterday , he wasn't moving , it was really sad , i actually miss the green little fellow , he wasn't as annoying and demanding as most pets are . Anyway R.I.P. Poseidon , you shall be missed .

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